Everywhere in the world each country has its staple food, specific ingredients without which people couldn’t survive! Mexico doesn’t make exception to the rule. If you don’t like the following ingredients you are screwed!
El Aguacate (the Avocado)

The avocado is definitely integral part of the Mexican cooking. You probably already know the guacamole, a mashing ripe avocados preparation with salt (where you can also add tomato, onion, cilantro and lemon juice) but you will find simple avocado almost everywhere. In tacos, with chilaquiles, to accompany your dish and even in burgers! But don’t worry, I know a Mexican who doesn’t like avocado: incredible but true!

Los Frijoles (the Beans)

Beans are also everywhere and can be prepared in many different ways. You have for instance the frijoles charros which are pinto beans (most common type of beans in the US and northwestern Mexico) stewed with onion, garlic and bacon. You also have the frijoles negros which are blacker than the pinto ones and that are used in multiple recipes. Most basically you will find frijoles in your tacos. Until now, I didn’t meet anyone in Mexico who doesn’t like frijoles!
El Limón (the Lemon)

In Mexico, the most common type of lemon is the green one. Forget all what you know about the shot of tequila accompanied of salt and lemon. This is not popular in Mexico and more for tourists. So, where do we find lemon? Everywhere, but literally. To put on your totopos (tortilla chips), with tacos, flautas, tostadas, … With ceviche and yes, everything! I must admit that it surprises at the beginning and that it can seem weird where we are not used to but this is actually really good! The good thing is that lemon is always an option: it’s aside and if you don’t want to add it in your plate, no problem!
La Salsa Roja (the Red Sauce)

The salsa roja is a classical sauce of the Mexican cooking. It’s made with red tomato ground with onion, garlic, cilantro, chile, salt and pepper. We use it for many Mexican dishes: enchiladas, huevos rancheros, with antojitos,…
La Salsa Verde (the Green Sauce)

The salsa verde is similar to the salsa roja but made with green tomatoes. It has the same purpose as the salsa roja.
Here was your second course of Mexican cooking! Next one: the different types of chile in Mexico!