No, I am not doing “nothing”. This is the first thing that I thought when I woke up this morning. I think that 7 months after my return to Mexico I need to state it. Some people have the tendency to reflect me the image that I don’t do anything. And because my adaptation work is not always easy, I have sometimes the tendency to believe it. But it’s simply wrong. I do things, not necessarily profitable, but I do. I give French classes. I animate a blog. I am currently writing a book that I hope I can get finished for June because I know then that I will have to fight to publish it. I started to work on a business idea which focuses on importation of French products to Mexico. I am initiating the process to apply for a PhD in Social Sciences. I am organizing my two weddings: the Mexican and the French one. So, no, I am not doing “nothing”. I am even actually doing a lot of things.
Things didn’t go according to the plan since I decided to live in Mexico and every day, I have to make a work of constant readaptation and readjustment. But this is part of life. I observe around me people of my age with the perfect resume. A perfect line which seemed a ready-made path. A Bachelor in Architecture and a job of Architect. A Bachelor in International Affairs, a Master in International Business and a job of Operation Manager with foreign suppliers. A Bachelor in Graphic Design and a job of Designer. My case is different. I changed, at different time, of direction. I needed and I need more time to define my way. I have a different life story. I come from a place which was not opened to the world when I actually needed to move and discover the world. I was submitted to different familial and social pressures. I had financial issues.
Making the decision to share my life in Mexico with my better-half impacted on projects that I wanted to pursue. But does-it really matter? Are we only defined by our professional success and our resume? If so, it’s terribly sad. This is how I see things: no matter what you studied, no matter the jobs that you did or didn’t do, no matter if you changed ten times of way, no matter if you don’t do what people around you expect. The only thing that counts is to do what you want, what you love, what makes you happy and how you will do to achieve it.
As Elizabeth Taylor said it: “It’s not the having, it’s the getting.”
Discovered and shared
-The article Why You Should Buy Souvenirs (and why you aren’t less of a traveller if you do) from the blog This Battered Suitcase: Brenna Holeman, Canadian travel blogger who currently lives in London, published this article last week and I simply loved it because I recognized myself in what she was saying. How many times didn’t I hear that buying souvenirs was superficial? Brenna explains that to the contrary, small treasures that you will bring from your trips, will be attached to particular instants and will be full of memories. She thus prefers the term “sentimentalist” to “materialistic”.
-The movie The Help written and realized in 2011 by Tate Taylor (adapted from Kathryn Stockett's 2009 novel of the same name) with Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer and Jessica Chastain. In the segregationist city of Jackson, Mississippi, the young Skeeter decides to write a book from the point of view of black maids, exposing their working/life conditions and the racism to which they are exposed. An incredible acting and a really good photography around a topic which gets your goat.
-The Festival 100 Vinos Mexicanos: this Mexican Wine Festival will take place in Queretaro on the next 4th and 5th of March; this new edition will have the name of “Orgullo por México” and will host wine estates from Baja California, Chihuahua, Coahuila,…I unfortunately won’t have the opportunity to go there this year but for information price ticket is of 400 pesos (19€).