Today A French in Mexico is…in France!
Last Thursday, I took the plane in Monterrey to arrive in Paris on Friday afternoon. I took two buses from the airport. I waited for them in the cold and the rain. And then I had to walk in the cold and the rain because the Place de la République was totally blocked by some protests, or a suspicious package, or I don’t know what, and it made me realize that yes, I definitely was in France! Not the French side that I really appreciate…but I didn’t care because well I was in France! After 6 months and a half far from my Paris, my family and my friends, it could only make me happy to be here, despite of the cold, the rain and the protests!
Since I arrived I have the impression that I didn’t stop and I am exhausted. It’s always like this when you have been separated from people for a long time. There are so many things to say, such amount of time we missed. I already started to make a “French cure” which consisted in eating “fois gras”, breast of duck, “raclette”, “brioche” and “galette des rois” (King Cake)! I also ate culture by going to the Hergé exhibition. For the ones who don’t know who was Hergé, he is the creator of Tintin (the famous Belgium cartoon). I am not a comic fan but I was curious because I remember having visited the Comic Museum of Brussels and really liked it. I actually learnt so much that I promise an article soon!
Today the week started by a business meeting and I am sure that the following days will be rich. Entrepreneurship, family, friends, wedding preparation, shopping (just a bit because it’s the sales in France!), late French Christmas dinner, exhibitions,…It’s promising!
Am I a tourist or a traveler? It was the questions asked in an article that I read in the plane published in SKY, the review edited by Delta Airlines. The author was making the statement that being a tourist and being a traveler are two different things. A tourist would be someone who comes to a new place and focuses on touristic activities, when the traveler would be someone who enters more deeply in the travelling experience, by trying off-road things. I disagree with this distinction, because according me, we are always a bit tourist when we travel, even if we enjoy discover by ourselves and prefer share with locals. And you, what do you think about it???
I wish to all of you a wonderful week!
Discovered and shared
-The movie The King’s Speech directed by Tom Hooper with Colin Firth and Helena Bonham Carter. The movie was acclaimed by the critics and you surely know it. This is the story of the King George VI in UK who was facing a stuttering issue and who came over it thanks to the help of Lionel Logue.
-The movie The Girl on the Train directed by Tate Taylor and adapted from the novel of Paula Hawkins. A woman has been fired but keeps taking the train everyday to go to New York as if she was still working there because she doesn’t dare to say the truth to her roomie. Everyday, she sees from the train her hold house where still lives her ex-husband with his new wife and their baby. She also sees their neighbor who suddenly disappears…
It’s not “comfortable” to see (I would say that it’s more disturbing) but if you like thrillers and Emily Blunt go for it!
-The Hergé exhibition in the Grand Palais in Paris (but oops, the exhibition ended yesterday!)